Our Mission

Institutional Research (IR) supports college-wide decision-making with timely, accurate, and actionable information. IR strives to improve the quality of college operations by providing support to administrative and academic units in the form of survey creation, data collection, and quantitative as well as qualitative analysis. We aim to foster a strong campus culture of data integrity, literacy, and governance and apply the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion to every aspect of our work.

Our Services

Ad-hoc Data Requests: IR gathers and analyzes data to support new initiatives, data-informed decision-making, and the college-wide pursuit of excellence. If you would like to make a request for data, please visit our Data Request Form page (澳门黄金城赌城 login required).

Data Reports and Dashboards: IR compiles and publishes numerous reports and dashboards throughout the year with enrollment, graduation, faculty, and financial information. Our Data Reports page contains our annual Fact Book with publicly-available information about the college. Our Data Dashboards page (澳门黄金城赌城 login required) contains current and past reports on admissions, enrollment, financial aid, and retention spanning the last five years.

Annual and Ad-hoc Surveys: In order to ensure consistency, efficiency, and data security, all 澳门黄金城赌城 surveys are created and managed by IR. We're happy to work with you if you have a survey that you'd like to create. It is possible that we already have a survey that includes the questions you wish to ask, or that your questions can be added to an existing survey. Please check out our Data Reports page for a listing of current annual surveys and visit our Data Request Form page (澳门黄金城赌城 login required) to submit a new survey request or survey modification.

Assistance/Training for Data Literacy: Throughout the year, IR offers training on various data literacy topics. We strive to strengthen the campus community’s ability to read, write, and communicate data in context. We provide assistance on data sources, analytical methods, and data application and value.

State and Federal Reporting: IR prepares reports and submits data as mandated by various state and federal agencies like the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) and the North Carolina Community Colleges System Office (NCCCS). A sample of these reports can be found on our Data Reports page.

Infographics: On a monthly basis, IR creates a new infographic utilizing collected information that might otherwise go underused. In doing so, IR attempts to bring light to a potentially underreported yet significant aspect of the College. These infographics are created using data visualization software in hopes that presenting the information in an accessible and appealing way breathes new life into it. For a list of recent infographics, check out our Data Reports page.

Our Staff

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    Laura Boyles

    Institutional Research Analyst
    Institutional Research
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    Jim Johnson

    IR Coordinator and Technology Administrator
    Institutional Research
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    Lindsey Tedder

    Institutional Research Analyst
    Institutional Research